Animation didn't flow so well at the beginning, rather rigid movement: didnt suit jesse very well. the stiff movement did suit no-man Riley, since he shouldn't be energetic enough to be hopping off the walls.
it had a good build up to the creepy staring. the creeping effect was kinda ruined by the static noise and on art static, its been done appropriately to death so much so it became crude oil and has been used to make a new Wacom tablet.
the creeping would have made the end a good punchline but as mentioned before got ruined, darkening may have been less overused.
also why did Jesse look down as if to read the text at the bottom only? it usually goes bottom to top when looking at their hearts desires, may be cliche but it does the job well.
imma stop my rant here, and say overall very good, lost half a start for my mostly petty gripes